1.                 Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

2.                 Cyprus is the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean.

3.                 Some of the world’s oldest water wells can be found in Cyprus.

4.                 The largest bank in Cyprus is owned by the Cypriot Orthodox Church. The church also plays a significant role in the social and political life of the island’s people.

5.                 Alexander the Great seized the island from the Assyrians, Egyptians, and Persians in 333 BC.

6.                 Cyprus became independent from the British in 1960, on August 16th. However, they celebrate their independence day on the 1st of October every year.

7.                 The island nation had seen its golden era during the Copper and Bronze Ages. At that time, the country was among the wealthiest of nations.

8.                 The island country is divided into two parts: the North and the South.

9.                 The northern part is called the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”.

10.            The southern part is called the “Independent Republic of Cyprus” or the “Greek Cyprus.”

11.            Taxi drivers in Cyprus do not give change. They keep the change as a tip. A quick tip to save money in Cyprus is to tender exact change to the taxi driver.  

12.            Cypriots do not like fishing and they do not fish, despite being an island nation.

13.            In Cyprus, there are some cafes that are only for men.

14.            Cypriots are big-time foodies. The typical Cyprus citizen likes to dine at their favorite restaurant once per week.

15.            The shape of Cyprus is like that of a Cigar pipe.

16.            Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean.

17.            A whole town in Cyprus is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The name of this town is Paphos.

18.            There are a total of three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country.

19.            Cyprus is the only foreign venue at which an English Royal Wedding has been hosted. The wedding happened between King Richard and Queen Joanna on May 12, 1191.

20.            There is a tree in Cyprus known to fulfill wishes.

21.            The capital city of Cyprus—Nicosia—is divided by “The Green Line.” This line is also known as the UN buffer zone. It is the only capital in the world that is divided between two nations.

22.            Depending on which part of the country a person lives, the residents are either known as “Greek Cypriots” or “Turkish Cypriots”.

23.            With a very low crime rate, Cyprus is also among the safest places in the world.

24.            Cyprus is also the first country to be governed by a Christian.

25.            People of the island speak a mix of Greek, Turkish and English.

26.            Cyprus is a multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious country.

27.            The first Olympic medal won by Cyprus was at the London 2012 Olympics.

28.            Twenty rare species of Orchids and 371 species of migratory birds can be seen on the island.

29.           Cyprus is one of just two nations and the first in the world to include its map on its flag.

30.            The Syrtos is the most popular folk dance in Cyprus.

31.           Several British military bases still exist on the island, as the country was once governed by the British.

32.           Out of the total 1950 species of flowering plants worldwide, 140 are found nowhere but in Cyprus.

33.           A rare variety of sheep–The Cyprus Muffon–can only be seen in the country and nowhere else in the world.

34.           With almost 80% of the population following the Autocephalous Greek Orthodox faith, Easter is the main holiday in Cyprus.

35.            Mount Olympus is the highest peak in Cyprus at 6402 ft above sea level.

36.            On an average, Cyprus receives 40 days of rainfall each year.

37.           There is only one horserace track in the country, and it can be found in its capital city – Nicosia.

38.            Almost 20-30% of the population of the country smokes.

39.           Cyprus is known for its sunshine! It receives sunshine for more than 300 days during a year, which is nearly double the amount received in Britain.

40.            The remains of the oldest known pet cat was found in Cyprus, buried with its master. Archeologists found the remains to be dating back about 9,500 years.

41.            The Zenobi (The Zenobia Shipwreck), a ro-ro ferry that sunk in 1980, is oneof the top dive attractions in the world today.

42.            The total population of Cyprus is 1,205,575.

43.            The Euro is the official currency of Cyprus.

44.            The internet country code for Cyprus is .cy.

45.           Cyprus imports: consumer goods, petroleum and lubricants, machinery, and transport equipment.

46.           Cyprus Exports: citrus, potatoes, pharmaceuticals, cement, and clothing.

47.           Cyprus is home to 20 rare species of orchid.                    

48.           260 species of fish circle the warm Mediterranean waters around Cyprus.

49.          Cyprus is one of only a few places in the world where Green Turtles and Loggerhead Turtles nest.

50.            Life expectancy is just over 79 years.

51.           During August every year the villages in Cyprus host the August VillageFestivals. At least 20 villages take part.

52.            Traffic in Cyprus drives on the left-side of the road.

53.            Cyprus has two international airports; one at Larnaca and the other at Paphos.


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